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  1. PONS Xavier

    in Education Policy in France and Quebec Journal of Education Policy to be published. Changer d échelle recherche New Accountability and Governance in Education NewAge in France and Québec Observatoire sociologique role of knowledge in the construction and regulation of health and education policy in Europe . Financement 7 Citizens and governance in a knowledge based society 2006-2011 . New Accountability and Governance Hélène Buisson-Fenet School Evaluation Policies and Educating States. Trends in Four European Countries

  2. BERNARD Alain

    paraître Greek Mathematics and Astronomy in Late Antiquity . In Paul Keyser and John Scarborough Eds. Oxford Mathematics and Astronomy Preliminary Remarks About the Context . Workshop The Philosophy of Ptolemy and its its Greek Arabic and Hebrew Reception Georgetown Univ. 2016 juin. About the nature and purpose of late antique Christine Proust Scientific sources and teaching contexts problems and perspectives Boston Studies in Philosophy Oxford Handbook of Science and Medicine in the Classical World Oxford. New York Oxford University Press

  3. LETANNEUX Alban

    cross-sectional case-controlled study in French and European Portuguese FraLusoPark . BMJ open 6 11 e012885 -L. Viallet F. Pinto S. 2014 . From micrographia to Parkinson s disease dysgraphia. Movement Disorders Viallet F. Pinto S. 2014 . Contributions of motor and cognitive impairment in a lexical decision task in 18th International Congress of Parkinson's disease and Movement Disorders. 7-11 June 2014 Stockholm Suede Velay J.L. Viallet F. Pinto S. 2013 . Handwriting And Micrographia In Parkinson's Disease. 17th International

  4. Gilberto RAMOS IDUNATE

    Vocational training and access to employment of technicians in Mexico in Technical and Vocational Education Teachers Work and Identities in New Formats of Secondary Schooling in Latin America and the Caribbean Education Young People's Experiences and Perspectives on School to Work Transitions. IV Forum of Sociology


    an analyzing tool to characterize and analyze inquiry processes in mathematics and natural sciences. The Didactics of Mathematics Approaches and Issues. A Hommage to Michèle Artigue pp. 191-217 . New-York Mathematical Thinking and Learning depuis 2012 IJSME International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education involving defining processes in-action definitions and zero-definitions. Educational Studies in Mathematics Ouvrier-Buffet C. 2019 . Discrete Mathematics Teaching and Learning. In S. Lerman dir. Encyclopedia of Mathematics

  6. European Master of Arts (MA) in the teaching of German as a foreign language

    literature and culture instructed foreign language development. Faculties Languages Literature and Human Sciences of German Language and Literature French National Institute of Teacher Education and Training secondary Cultural Studies Linguistics and Translation Foreign language teaching theory and methods GFL Several teaching teaching practices in middle and or high school Action research paper written either in German or French

  7. Publications dans des colloques - Année 2019

    Freudenthal Group Freudenthal Institute Utrecht University and ERME. Mansour A. Burgermeister P.-F. Ouvrier-Buffet dyscalculia contribution of didactics of mathematics to numerical cognition. In U.T Jankvist M. Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen Freudenthal Group Freudenthal Institute Utrecht University and ERME. Ouvrier-Buffet C. 2019 . Quels outils pour International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development 323 328. Paderborn Universit tsbibliothek

  8. GUILBERT Jessica

    Role of visual and proprioceptive feedback in the control of movement by children and adults. Human Movement children's and adolescents sport skills with motor imagery. International Review of Sport and Exercise position effect of posture congruency on visual and kinesthetic motor imagery. Psychological Research Jouen F. Molina M. 2018 . Motor imagery development and proprioceptive integration Which sensory reweighting between cerebral palsy adolescents with hemiplegia and diplegia. Research in Developmental Disabilities

  9. APARICIO Xavier

    language according to their characteristics evidence for 1229 children from 2nd to 9th grade. Scientific Proficient Bilinguals and Simultaneous Interpreters Evidence from Language Switching and Stroop Tasks. Journal Evidence of a Shared Substrate between Language and Motor Control. PLoS ONE 11 11 e0165029. doi 10.1371 Baccino T. 2015 . Assessing visibility legibility and comprehension for interactive whiteboards IWBs Educational computerized presentation on text comprehension and memorization. Computers in Human Behavior 54 569-576

  10. Articles à comité de lecture publiés dans des revues indexées - Année 2019

    Role of visual and propriokinaesthetic feedback in the control of movement by children and adults. Human from Pictures A Comparison between Fifth Graders and Undergraduate Students. Psychological Research. Guilbert multicomponent handwriting instruction program in grade 1 to improve writing skills. European Journal of Psychology Attitudes Toward Reading A Survey of Pupils in Grades 5 to 8. Frontiers in Psychology. 9 2773 . doi 10.3389