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  1. Les amphis de l'ASH : "Approche cognitive de la production écrite : apprentissage, difficultés et remédiations"

    les scripteurs avec ou sans difficulté système Eye and Pen - Alamargot et al. 2006 . En conclusion des pistes

  2. MAYRARGUE Arnaud

    doubts and objections against Newton system. 14th International Congress of Logic Methodology and Philosophy International Congress of History of Science Technology and Medicine Manchester 21-28 juillet 2013 Challis Airy importance of the epistemological point of view and of the context in Sciences the astronomical refraction

  3. GRUGEON-ALLYS Brigitte

    education courses in mathematics and technology analyzing views and options In C. Hoyles J.B. Lagrange Prévit D. accepté The diagnostic assessment Pépite and the question of its transfer at different school El-Kechaï N. Delozanne E. 2014 Bridging diagnosis and learning of elementary algebra using technologies Lagrange eds Digital Technologies and Mathematics teaching with technology Rethinking the terrain pp. 329-345 événements scientifiques Co-Chair du DG Current problems and challenges in lower secondary mathematics education

  4. SAYAC Nathalie

    mathematical assessments an example with external and internal assessments in primary school classes in practices of primary school teachers a first study and some methodological questions. CERME 10 Dublin . in Mathemactics Education Large-Scale Assessment and Classroom Assessment ICME-13 Topical Survey Springer Savoir et Formation. SAYAC N. 2013 . Qualitative and Quantitive Studies about Mathematics Teachers in Ed. Mathematics Classrooms Students Activities and Teachers Pratices pp.215-229. SensePublishers Rotterdam

  5. FORTUN-CARILLAT Véronique

    communautés virtuelles interactives Licklider and Talyor n.d. Daele and Charlier 2006 ou micro-mondes sociaux

  6. MARILIER Marie-Christine

    enseignants du primaire en France Articles and Procedings in National and International Meetings.mht. Actes à


    04 juillet 2016. John Ogbu s cultural and ecological theory and the schooling of ethnic minorities what

  8. VIRIOT-GOELDEL Caroline

    reading intervention based on grapho-syllabic decoding and fluency training in French primary schools. European first grade. L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature 1-21. http dx.doi.org 10.17239 L1ESLL-2016 performances orthographiques des élèves. In T. Pagnier and J. Crinon Eds. Actes du Colloque international Enseigner 8th International Conference of Education Research and Innovation pp. 3195-3205 Seville Spain. Seville IATED

  9. CHEP Alain

    34 2-3 pp. 271-282 2000. Object-oriented analysis and design of a manufacturing feature representation Process Sheets HCCP FAM Sheets Control Sheets Training and Support A. CHEP RNAIPL RENAULT-NISSAN Automotive India Private Inde April 2014. Drawing up of COD and Process Sheets A. CHEP RNTBCI RENAULT-NISSAN Technology

  10. MAMEDE Maira

    9th International Conference Literacies and Effective Learning and Teaching for All actes du 9ème colloque 2015. Joigneaux C. Mamede M. 2014 . Early literacy and kindergarten context of intervention France-Brazil