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  1. Master MEEF 2nd degré parcours Education physique et sportive (CAPEPS)

    du <a _linktype="interne" href="[id-fiche]lien;1405088857357;0[/id-fiche]#KLINK">Laboratoire interdisciplinaire

  2. BOUCHON Camillia

    en langue étrangère Bouchon C. Toro J.-M. 2019 . Is the Consonant Bias specifically human Long-Evans and Suppression Effects in the Newborn Brain. PloS One. Bouchon C. Floccia C. Fux T. Adda-Decker M. Nazzi The contribution of comparative data involving rats to language acquisition research consonant vowel asymmetry

  3. GODFROY Anne-Sophie

    Godfroy-Genin Anne-Sophie From the doctrine of probability to the theory of probability the emergence of modern technology a comparative European perspective in Equal Opportunities International Vol 28. N 1 2009. Emerald rwth-aachen.de 2012. Godfroy Anne-Sophie New Questions to Gender and Engineering in Research colloque international Godfroy-Genin Anne-Sophie From the doctrine of probability to the theory of probability the emergence of modern

  4. GODFROY Anne-Sophie

    Godfroy-Genin Anne-Sophie From the doctrine of probability to the theory of probability the emergence of modern technology a comparative European perspective in Equal Opportunities International Vol 28. N 1 2009. Emerald rwth-aachen.de 2012. Godfroy Anne-Sophie New Questions to Gender and Engineering in Research colloque international Godfroy-Genin Anne-Sophie From the doctrine of probability to the theory of probability the emergence of modern

  5. Master MEEF 2nd degré parcours Mathématiques (CAPES)

    - <a _linktype="interne" href="[id-fiche]lien;1410530354239;0[/id-fiche]#KLINK">Laboratoire d&#39;Analyse

  6. SCHMITT Nicolas

    scale to filter scale 10th International Symposium on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental

  7. CANAC Sophie

    practices about the introduction of chemical formulas to determine teachers' needs. Présenté à ECRICE 2018 first use of a history of science-based resource to introduce basic concepts of chemistry. Poster présenté Année 2017 Internationales Canac S. Kermen I. 2017 . How French students understand basic notions of the language Barcelona 7-10 september. Canac S. Kermen I. 2016 . How French students use the language of chemistry. Présenté

  8. LETANNEUX Alban

    -L. Viallet F. Pinto S. 2014 . From micrographia to Parkinson s disease dysgraphia. Movement Disorders s Disease. Parkinson s Disease vol. 2013 Article ID 403680 6 pages. Articles à comité de lecture ACL de Parkinson. Call Send SMS Call from mobile Add to Skype You'll need Skype CreditFree via Skype

  9. Articles dans des revues non indexées avec comité de lecture ou sans comité de lecture - Revues d'interface - Année 2020

    frenchjournalformediaresearch.com lodel-1.0 main index.php id 1988 Pereira I. 2020 . La réception de Paulo Freire

  10. DIU Sciences cognitives pour l'éducation et la formation

    laboratoire <a _linktype="interne" href="[id-fiche]lien;1347954289105;0[/id-fiche]#KLINK">Cognitions Humaine et