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La recherche portant sur 【】波場哪裡能買帶寬【】How to calculate tron energy and bandwidth respectively【ID:zc0rwp5ev】 a donné 102 résultats Accéder aux résultats
What we may learn from J.-M.Zemb about negation and information structure A view from Prague Irmtraud
M.-E. 2018 . Educational Theatre and Family Theatre translation and cultural transfer. In P-Y. Beaurepaire 7Letras. Aden J. Pavlovskaya M. 2018 . Translanguaging and Language Creativity in Drama Staging. In Translanguaging J. Prévit D. 2018 . Online automated assessment and student learning the Pepite project in elementary Technology in K-12 Mathematics Education Tools Topics and Trends. 245-266. New York Springer. Haussin C. Rayna Wolff Éds . Moving scenes the circulation of music and theatre in Europe 1700 1815 259-269. Oxford University
2019 Between political reserve and scientific change French Geographers and decolonization in tropical Africa Teaching the history of Africa and slavery in France breaking the silence and new ambiguities in Paul E. The Transatlantic slave trade and slavery. New directions in teaching and learning The Harriet Tubman Series Africa 1945-1967 in D. Clayton S. Kumar Geography and Post-War Decolonization special issue Journal of Paris L Harmattan p. 201-227. 2018 Colonial History and Historiography Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African
janvier avec Amy Cohen Varela présidente de Mind and Life Europe Jean-Philippe Lachaux directeur de recherche
unité de recherche ECCS Education Culture Cognition and Society et rédacteur européen de la revue Mesure
graphomotor execution A comparison between Grades 2 and 9. Human Movement Science 44 32-41. Aparicio X. Lavaur Research 44 6 669-838. Belkacem L. 2015 . Expressing and contesting minoritization in minor mode online conversations West African descent in the Paris region. African and Black Diaspora An International Journal DOI 10.1080 International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2 Issue 9 1-20 SJIF 1 056 . Articles à routine punitive. International Journal on Violence and Schools 15 119-141 Pilet J. 2015 . Réguler l enseignement
graphomotor execution A comparison between Grades 2 and 9 Human Movement Science. 44 32-41.10.1016 j.humov Baccino T. 2015 . Assessing visibility legibility and comprehension for interactive whiteboards IWBs Educational computerized presentation on text comprehension and memorization . Computers in Human Behavior 54 569-
Evidence from concurrent recordings of postural and eye movements Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology position effect of posture congruency on visual and kinesthetic motor imagery. Psychological Research
belief Implications for Learner Autonomy Reflection and Practice. In Burkert A. Dam L. Ludwig C. Eds. The The Answer is Autonomy Issues in Language Teaching and Learning. Canterbury UK IATEFL. Brewer S. S. 2010
doubts and objections against Newton system. 14th International Congress of Logic Methodology and Philosophy International Congress of History of Science Technology and Medicine Manchester 21-28 juillet 2013 Challis Airy importance of the epistemological point of view and of the context in Sciences the astronomical refraction