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  1. DE MONTGOLFIER Sandrine

    Communications How the integration of new technologies of sequencing in oncology services leads to confusion Montgolfier S. Supporting disclosure of genetic information to family members professional practice and timelines experiences on the disclosure of genetic information to family members in France . European Society of human

  2. APARICIO Xavier

    language according to their characteristics evidence for 1229 children from 2nd to 9th grade. Scientific Substrate between Language and Motor Control. PLoS ONE 11 11 e0165029. doi 10.1371 journal.pone.0165029 X. 2011 . Using CALL in a formal learning context to develop language awareness in ESL an assessment. appels à projets. Call Send SMS Call from mobile Add to Skype You'll need Skype CreditFree via Skype

  3. Enseigner les langues-culture à l'ère de la complexité

    entre langues cultures et identités. Dr Trevor GRIMS is Director of studies of the MA TESOL programme at at the University of bath UK. Dr Hermine PENZ is an associate professor of English linguistics at the University

  4. Articles dans des revues non indexées avec comité de lecture ou sans comité de lecture - Revues d'interface - Année 2016

    Morin M-F. 2016 . New handwriting technologies how the tablet screen surface affects students graphomotor

  5. HOROKS Julie

    J. 2012 . Analysing tasks to describe teachers' practices and link them to pupils' learning in mathematics 162-180 Horoks J. Robert A. 2007 . Tasks designed to highlight task-activity relationships. Journal of Horoks J. 2014 . Potential effects of an initiation to research on the professional development of teachers pedagogical naming systems from different cultures to reconceptualise classroom practice and advance educational

  6. GERMAIN Philippe

    depletion potential due to non-ideal depletant promoting the equilibrium route to colloidal gelation. Ph Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 058301 2009 Equilibrium Route to Colloidal Gelation Mixtures of Hard-Sphere-Like Colloids Enguerran N Dong Minsta Ph. Germain and S. Amokrane to be published Bond lifetime and diffusion coefficient

  7. CHAPUIS Amandine

    Hancock C. 2018 Banlieusard.e.sclaiming a right to the City of Light gendered violence and spatial politics Paris Citiesnuméro thématique Gendering the right to the city coordonné par Elena Vacchelli et Eleonore Touring the immoral. Affective geographies of visitors to the Amsterdam Red-Light district Urban Studies numéro Dispute depuis 2015 Call Send SMS Call from mobile Add to Skype You'll need Skype CreditFree via Skype

  8. Les conférences du SILE 2015

    and take part in the communications and conferences to produce a general recap at the end of the symposium

  9. FORTUN-CARILLAT Véronique

    en ligne sur http ciuen2010.unistra.fr index.php id 10980.

  10. Les contrats de Recherche

    in mathematics has been identified at EU level as one of the key competences for personal fulfilment active performance as revealed by international surveys led to the adoption in 2009 of an EU-wide benchmark in basic savoir plus Inclusive education and social support to tackle inequalities in society. Objectif Le projet