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  1. HOROKS Julie

    in PME38 38th Conference of the International Group for Psychology of the Mathematics Education Vancouver Potential effects of an initiation to research on the professional development of teachers. short oral pupils' learning in mathematics TSG31 in ICME12 The 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education Participation à un projet de recherche international - The Lexicon Project Analysing pedagogical naming systems

  2. CALLEN Delphine

    2013 Planned Unit Developments and the Compact suburbia in the Paris Metropolitan Region 1960s-2000s Paris CALLEN D. 2010 The production of suburban residential developments in the urban region of Paris d ouvrages collectifs LE GOIX R. CALLEN D. 2009 The emergence and evolution of gated communities in suburban

  3. BERNARD Alain

    and Astronomy Preliminary Remarks About the Context . Workshop The Philosophy of Ptolemy and its Greek Arabic Univ. 2016 juin. About the nature and purpose of late antique mathematics the case of Theon's commentary Ptolemy's philosophical preface to the Almagest. History of Mathematics through the study of textual sources. Eds. Oxford Handbook of Science and Medicine in the Classical World Oxford. New York Oxford University

  4. Master MEEF 2nd degré parcours Mathématiques (CAPES)

    - <a _linktype="interne" href="[id-fiche]lien;1410530354239;0[/id-fiche]#KLINK">Laboratoire d&#39;Analyse

  5. Recherche collaborative chercheurs-praticiens portant sur l'enseignement/apprentissage de concepts informatiques à l'école primaire.

    enseignantes seront convoque s the orie anthropologique du didactique Chevallard 1999 the orie des situations didactiques conjointe en didactique. Dans les deux temps des cadres the oriques propres à la construction des mate riaux

  6. MAYRARGUE Arnaud

    illustration of the importance of the epistemological point of view and of the context in Sciences the astronomical en muséologie . 5th International Conference of the European Society of History of Science is organized astronomical refraction case during the 18th century. Congrès 2011 de la SFHST Nantes 2011 Organisation avec

  7. Les contrats de Recherche

    favorisés - 60 mois 2012-2017 The role of adult education in supporting the de-institutionalisation of people social inclusion and employability in the knowledge society of the 21st century. Concerns about low student led to the adoption in 2009 of an EU-wide benchmark in basic skills which states that by 2020 the share people with disabilities in the community. Coordinateur du projet Disability Federation of Ireland - mathematics has been identified at EU level as one of the key competences for personal fulfilment active citizenship

  8. Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture - Année 2016

    I. 2016 . Exploring the mastery of French students in using basic notions of the language of chemistry Memoirs the Case of Madame de Genlis. In C. Trotot N. Meeker dir. . Women s portraits of the self. Representing Morin M-F. 2016 . New handwriting technologies how the tablet screen surface affects students graphomotor 2016 . Learning different allographs by handwriting the impact on letter knowledge and reading acquisition Oggi 1 169-179 Godfroy A-S. 2016 . A History of the History of Gender Science. In Burguete Maria Riesch

  9. Programme EMEE : deux expositions pour tester les propositions étudiées par le programme

    made in China tandis que le module Entering the museum with the currency of other europeans s intéresse à


    Sumpter dir. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Veldhuis dir. . 2019 . Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics sciences. In B.R Hodgson A. Kuzniak J-B. Lagrange dir. The Didactics of Mathematics Approaches and Issues. A Mathematics Education CERME11 pp. 4664-4671. Utrecht the Netherlands Freudenthal Group Freudenthal Institute M. Schumacher J. Wuschke H. dir. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Mathematics Textbook